Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Military Family Deployment Study

I am so excited to be in the data collection phase of my dissertation. I feel like this is the beginning of a wonderful, enlightening, and beneficial project.

So, I need volunteers! Please read on if you'd like to help!

Are you currently experiencing the deployment of your spouse, partner, or parent? Are you interested in talking about your experiences?

I am conducting a study on the experience of deployment for at home family members and would like to talk with spouses (and your children, if applicable) about your experiences with deployment.

Participation includes: 1) One individual interview with spouse and researcher (Kelly) and 2.) One family interview with spouse and child(ren) (when applicable).

We can conduct the interviews at a private location convenient for you. I am located in Austin, Texas and am willing to travel.

If you (and your child, if applicable) are interested in participating, would like further information, or know someone who might be interested in participating, please contact Kelly Rossetto at

Participation is completely voluntary. You will not be expected to participate if you inquire further about this posting. There will not be compensation for your participation, but it will help improve our knowledge of the deployment experience for at-home families. Information will be provided to practitioners to help them develop supportive resources for military families.

Thank you!